Monday, 11 April 2016

Calendar of Events

We are offering a number of events in the coming months of this year of mercy. An elegant, printable, version of this calendar may be found here. A list of the most imminent of these events will appear in the left hand side-bar (non-mobile version).

8th May: Feast of the Ascension

15th May: Feast of Pentecost

22nd May: Feast of the Most Holy Trinity, followed by Brunch

29th May: Feast of Corpus Christi

9th July: Group Pilgrimage to Arundel

15th August: Assumption of the B.V.M.

18th September: 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, followed by Brunch

8th October: National Ordinariate Pilgrimage to Birmingham

28th-30th October: Reading Ordinariate Weekend Pilgrimage to Walsingham

27th November: First Sunday of Advent


  1. National Ordinariate Pilgrimage to Brum? First I've heard of it. Thank you. Going in my diary asap. What are we visiting?

  2. Birmingham Oratory. This replaces the national event in London which is usually for OLW. In this Year of Mercy we go to Birmingham - feast of Bl JHN.
